Suzuki Tadashi’s Electra

Chloe Hui
Monday 18 July 2022

Directed by Suzuki Tadashi

This adaptation of Electra takes the ancient play and incorporates it with the traditional Japanese theatre dance, Noh. The Suzuki Company of Toga itself is very centred on preserving traditional Japanese drama in its philosophy and relationship with physical space, as well as bringing it to contemporary audiences through modernising costumes and set pieces. In this way, the company also wishes to stand against more Western traditions which are “permeating” the globe, providing a way for a non-Western tradition to be acknowledged. The adaptation highlights the non-Western tradition as a valuable art form on par with other Western drama traditions, while also showing the ways that Greek drama can be adapted outside the West, highlighting the story’s universality.

Adapted play, Suzuki Company of Toga, November 27, 2021.

Watch the play on YouTube

Read director Suzuki Tadashi’s interview on the adaptation here. 

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